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Secondary Schools Teacher Training

Specialization: Teacher Education Program with Specializations Informatics

  • Faculty: Faculty of Science
  • Type of study: postgraduate master
  • Length of study: 2 years
  • Language of instruction: Czech
  • Form of study: full-time
  • Programme code: N0114A300081

About the programme

The Master's degree programme in Secondary School Teaching with a specialisation in Informatics is directly related to the Bachelor's degree programme in Informatics for Secondary School Education and completes the preparation of teachers for secondary schools. Successful completion of the programme leads to the qualification of a pedagogical worker - a secondary school teacher according to Act No. 563/2004 Coll. Graduates of the study programme Teaching for Secondary Schools will primarily work as teachers of relevant subjects in secondary schools (grammar schools and secondary vocational schools), according to the name of the accredited study programmes and their focus.
Students enrol in a second apprenticeship course in addition to Informatics, according to their focus from the Bachelor's degree. Graduates are qualified to teach informatics at secondary school in terms of pedagogical-psychological, professional basis, didactic and methodological aspects. In addition to educational and educational competences, they are also prepared in the field of creating school educational programmes, school projects, etc. At the same time, they are prepared for independent work in the field of organisation, management and teaching at secondary school and in extracurricular activities.

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