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Image competition

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics

Departmental competition for the best photo and picture

There are two categories and the first prize is 3000 CZK in each category:

I. "Scientific Merit" category - captures a major breakthrough in research from the previous year.

II. "Aesthetic Merit" - the photo (image) should be pleasing to the eye and open to all kinds of artistic treatment- people can unleash their inner surrealist.

The competition is under the patronage of prof. Alexander W. Bruce (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). All contestants will be judged by a panel of faculty members from the department with input from likes that contestants receive on our departmental Facebook page

Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics Scientific Image Competition 2023

(previous years' entries 2011 - 2022 here)

Results of the competition

  • Gabriela Krejcova (Adam Bajgar lab)


    1st place

    GPs: Macrophage-specific delivery tool visualized three ways. Confocal and electron microscopy images of Drosophila macrophages (green) internalizing yeast-derived glucan particles, which represent a suitable macrophage-specific delivery tool.

  • Alexey Bondar (Hana Sehadova lab)


    2nd place

    Single molecule interactions - the image demonstrates interactions between individual signaling molecules (a G protein-coupled receptor and a G protein) in living cells after treatment with dopamine.


  • Hana Sehadova (Sehadova lab)


    3rd place

    Rocket to Mars - Parts of the queen bumblebee's ovary. The developing oocyte is nourished by a group of sister cells.

  • Hana Sehadova with Oxana Skokova-Habustova (Sehadova lab)


    1st place

    Inseparable friends - A muscular and glandular trichome on a potato leaf of the Marabel variety.

  • Hana Sehadova with Michal Zurovec (Sehadova lab)


    2nd place

    A tangled path - The silk of the spindle ermine moth, Yponomeuta cagnagella.

  • Anxhela Hania (Sobotka lab)


    3rd place

    Colony core of Trichodesmium - a marine filamentous cyanobacterium; the sample was collected in the Gulf of Aqaba (Eilat, Israel) and employed to visualize the presence of associated bacteria. 

  • Thinles Chondol (Jiri Dolezal lab)

    Cross-section of the root of plant Askellia flexusa (Asteraceae) - from the Himalayas (~ 4700 m asl) stained with AstraBlue and Safranin solution (Abbreviations: ep - epidermis; ph - phloem; xv - xylem vessel; xf - xylem fiber; pa - parenchyma; ca - cambium; mr - medullary rays).

  • Alexey Bondar (Hana Sehadova lab)

    Recycled paper - the photo of a paper towel made from recycled paper with visible bits of different candy wrappers from the original paper used for recycling.

  • Shu-Min Yang (Miroslav Obornik lab)

     An ultrathin TEM section of a four-cell cyst of Chromera velia

  • Gabriela Krejcova (Adam Bajgar lab)

    Wasp egg: Immune response to a parasitoid egg. Although the parasitoid wasp egg (blue) laid in Drosophila larva (visualized by micro computed tomography) tries to hide from the host immune response in the folds of intestine (green), it is recognized by plasmatocytes (white, upper left) and later encapsulated by lamellocytes (white, upper right).

  • Thinles Chondol (Jiri Dolezal lab)

    Cross-section of the root of plant Askellia flexusa (Asteraceae) - from the Himalayas (~ 4700 m asl) stained with AstraBlue and Safranin solution (Abbreviations: ep - epidermis; ph - phloem; xv - xylem vessel; xf - xylem fiber; pa - parenchyma; ca - cambium; mr - medullary rays).

  • Hana Sehadova with Ivo Sauman (Sehadova lab)

    Crystals - Calcium oxalate crystals on the silk cocoon of the cecropia moth, Hyalophora cecropia.

  • Hana Sehadova (Sehadova lab)

    On the hair fiber - Detail of a hair root of a curious student. The image was taken during a practical microscopy exercise.

  • Zuzana Urbanova (Urbanova lab)

    Frozen beauty of Sphagnum cuspidatu.

Image Competition Archive 2011-2022

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